There are still a few states in the US that are yet to legalize sports betting in the US. Which states do you think will be the first this year?
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I put my money in Oklahoma. However, Native American Tribes will have the monopoly according to the proposed sports betting bill.
I wish someday there will be land-based Casinos in Georgia. Maybe someday it will come true.
Gonna be either Georgia or Missouri as both states are trying to get the voters to decide in November. If they can do it, they will bypass the political B.S. from politicians
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I'm more interested in other states doing what North Carolina did and added to their existing market. Are there other states that will consider online sports betting, online casino gaming and such?
I like reading and contributing to sportsbook reviews, and other things that interest me, like books and films. Love the challenge of betting especially when it comes to basketball and football.
Georgia and Oklahoma. However, the legislative sessions are going to end this month for some states like Georgia, so they have less than a week to pass the bill if we want to see sports betting in Georgia.
Thanks to my bookie pay per head I'm working from home, and can travel anytime (let me know where to!)