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eSports Betting in the UK

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Jet Snyder
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eSports betting is a growing market in the UK. According to the latest survey, 1.2 million adults in the UK watch competitive eSports games and tournaments. 

Over the years, the eSports industry in the UK has grown through proper media publicity and the internet. eSports used to seem like a hobby that people could drop after a certain age, but the British eSports Federation is aiming to promote the sector as a sport-like activity featuring skills and mastery that people should be invested in. It launched an eSports BTEC qualification with Pearson and runs the British eSports Student Champs in schools and colleges.

A bookie pay per head solution saved my sports betting business.

Andie E
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Posts: 36

I really think that eSports betting will grow as the younger generation ages. Of course the most of them look at eSports as a game to play or stream to earn from, so it will take a bit more time for them to mature and see the potential of eSports Betting.

Thanks to my bookie pay per head I'm working from home, and can travel anytime (let me know where to!)
